Fundraising Event Update

So I have some good news and some bad news. The bad news is the guest bartending event at AJ Bombers is probably not going to happen. I guess there were some issues with the date and we were working towards a new one and then… nothing? I tried emailing again to confirm a date and haven’t heard back so I am assuming this event won’t be happening. While I am disappointed to lose this opportunity, I guess this was not the venue for me, so…onwards and upwards!

I am currently in exciting negotiations for an event at the Hi-Hat Lounge!! Working with them has been fantastic so far because of their quick response time and willingness to help me out. I mean come on….it’s for charity!

If you’ve been meaning to donate but forgot the website, here it is again! I will update you on the details of the event “Drink for Crohn’s”, but in the meantime-check out my fundraising page or pass it on to someone you think might be interested!