Sheet Music Garland

I've been wanting to try this for a long time and this morning I finally did. It's such a fun, simple project. I printed some sheet music, cut out circles (I used a large hole punch), placed them back to back, and stitched them together. You can recycle old books this way too. I think these would be great for a party , to decorate a childs room, or for decorating a Christmas tree. I'm going to hang mine in my craft room. Really easy and fun!

Septembers Free Give Away

Sorry I haven't posted anything lately. I've been busy preparing for my daughters upcoming wedding in October, renovating my Etsy shop, crafting, and a million other things. I promised a free give away each month, so here is Septembers: I will draw a name from my list of followers on Sept. 15th. The winner will receive a sample package of some of the wool crafting supplies that I have been working on. The package will include wool beads, wool ropes and some wool roving. Good luck to everyone!

Creative Connections

Connecting with creative, like minded people, through my blog and Flickr, has kept me going through some of the most difficult times in my life. Connecting and creating in person with one of these new found friends is even more special. Recently, I had the pleasure, of a visit from one of these friends. Odile Gova, a multitalented, artist from Toronto, found her way to my home. It was a fun filled weekend of talking, creating, shopping and learning. She called it "a gift to herself", but it felt like a gift to me. It was a weekend I will never forget.

Technology These Days

In the course of my preparation for the 2010 Milwaukee Lakefront Marathon, my training runs have naturally increased. So far, my furthest run has been 14 miles (Update: 18 baby!) and I could tell a difference. These aren't my normal 3-5 miles. I began to think that I may need more than just me to get through the runs.

This is causing an inner conflict to build up inside me. And, it is causing me to question who I am as a runner. I have always considered myself to be someone who plays sports, and then runs in order to get in shape for those sports. If I had to give myself a label, it would have been "recreational runner." As I am getting older (some would say decrepit), I am still "playing" sports on occasion for "recreational" value, but find myself running more than anything.

Especially now that I am upping my miles, I'd like to have some idea of how far my runs are and how long it took. This is not something I have done in the past. On the rare occurrences I remember to check the clock when I head out for my run, I forget to check it when I get back. And yes, I have never worn a watch and timed myself (see hippie runner admittance below). Needless to say, I am having an internal battle with somehow professing to the world that I am a "runner." I feel that the world (yes you!) has instilled expectations in the word "runner", as to some level or degree of competency that I just don't have.

If I run past someone in a cotton t-shirt and soccer shorts (probably a size too big)-they definitely know I am not a serious runner and so when I stop to stretch or look like I'm dying with a bright red face, they think: "Yep, that seems about right."

Now imagine me running by you in a super polyonderated $80 tank top, flashy high-tech rocket shoes, a $800 watch that can land planes, and a vest full of gels, water, and an espresso maker. Now imagine me running by you at the same pace as the red-faced girl above.


Not only does it instill expectations in others, but also in myself. I have to remind myself that if I buy a $300 watch, it will not make me go any faster. It will just put in writing exactly how slow I am going. If all this fancy technology automatically made me faster, stronger, more fit, generally all around more awesomer...well then sign me up! Forget food, forget shelter, forget medicine....I am going to spend all my cash and win a freakin' marathon!!!

And yes, I know that technology IS supposed to help you improve your running. But again, I have been in this happy stage where I "run for fun", and am worried to get into a more competitive level where it is more of a chore or competition than fun. At what point does running to relieve stress become stressful? And as a Crohnie, stress is not something I want more of.

I would also describe myself as a hippie runner (minus the pot). I'm sort of a hippie in a lot of areas of technology. I am one of the few people I know without an iphone, blackberry; I don't even have a pager! In fact, my cell phone can't even check email or connect to the internet!! I know, it's amazing-I didn't even know what four-square was, or connect four? Or...yeah, see. My phone sometimes sends and receives texts, and it only vibrates for a phone call if it feels like it (which it often doesn't). Stupid crappy phone...

So back to hippie runner. I run for freedom and peace of mind. I have never worried about my pace or if I am going slower or faster than yesterday or someone else. I run at a pace my body feels good at. Sometimes it feels like I'm running in place and other days I swear I can fly.

Now I have never seen a Hippie with a $400 watch on. However, the idea of a breathable shirt sounds sooooo good on those 80% humidity days. Also, I am innately directioanally deficient (yes, I made that up). So having some sort of g.p.s. system would probably save me countless hours and frustration when I undoubtedly get lost in the woods and have to build a brush-fire to send smoke-signals for help (it's hard finding all that brush). Okay, I only got lost in the woods once...............maybe twice. But that's it!....................(that's not it).

In conclusion, now might be the time for my "runner" denial to be over. I hope I can make the transition to a runner as seamless as I can do anything. Which means I will most likely break or lose the watch in a week.

Having said how anti-materialistic and everything technology I am, here is my current Wish List!! Enjoy the irony:

1.) Foam roller (stupid IT band)
2.) Watch that allows for distance, pace, possibly heart-rate monitor and lap times (and preferably with some sort of flare gun for when I get lost and/or near dead)
3.) Knee band thing--needed?
4.) Breathable shirts/shorts with pockets
5.) An amazing sports bra that makes me feel like I don't have a chest and also doesn't chafe half my skin away
6.) New kicks that make me lighter than air and faster than the Flash!
7.) Possibly some sort of "support in a can"-and no, not a jock strap. When you open it or push a button, you hear all sort of supportive cheers: "Yay Nadia! Keep it up! Oh my! When did you get so fast and skinny? etc."

Update: Having actually started to look at watches, I have realized I am really out of my league. My price range of thinking you could get an awesome watch at $100 (hence the exaggerated $300/$400 above) is actually a bit low. Well, maybe you can get a good watch at $100, but you can also get one for $600+. For that much money, the water better do a lot more than tell time. If I am spending that kind of dough, the watch better be able to improve my form, immediately cut my mile splits by 2 minutes, heal any injury, cook me dinner, and do my taxes. And it wouldn't cheat on me and tell someone else how fast they are going or how great they look! (And it does all these things because it likes doing it because it cares about me as a person, not because it feels obligated).

Is that too much to ask?

Sri Krishna Jayanti Wallpapers

The auspicious time of Sri Krishna Jayanti is celebrated on the occasion of the birth of Bhagavan Sri Krishna (Avtar of Lord Vishnu). This festival marks the time whien Lord Sri Krishna was born on the 'Rohini' nakshatram (star) on Ashtami night. As the birthday of this Bal Gopal , an marvellous child is the core of festivity and this sacred day on the eighth day of the dark fortnight in the month of Sravana called Avani. So here we bring some lovely wallpaper of lord vishnu as bal krishna in HD Quality for you to set on you PC screen and worship The God.

Lord Krishna Wallpapers for Krishna Jayanthi

The Janmashtami is the birthday of Lord Krishna, On the auspicious eight night of month the re-incarnation of Lord Vishnu, happens as the birth of Krishna Awtar. This year it is celebrated on 02, Septmeber on Thursday. Here we bring various types Of Janmashtami Jhankis of lord krishna, Janmashtami Tableau, Krishna Janmashtami Jhankis, The scenes or cribs depicting the diffrent stages of Life of Krishna are a common sight during Janmashtami all over the india, especially in Mathura.

Krishna Maa YashodaKrishna Janmashtami Wallpapers

Janmashtami Jhanki

Onam Wallpapers, Vishu Wallpapers, Onam Pookalam Wallpapers

You must Download Onam Desktop wallaper with onam pookalam for your computers. We have various pictures of Boat race Photos, Athapookalam, Onapookkalam, picture of flowers, dancing artists, nature for Onam 2010 which is going to celebrate on 23 Monday, 2010 Onam. Onam Festival and Onam Celebrations. The Kerala Onam wallpapers at 1024x768, 1280x1024 and 1280x800 resolution with Onam desktop pictures,photos,pics & images.

Parsi New Year Wallpapers, Jamshedi Navroz Wallpapers

The Parsi New Year is also know as Jamshedi Navroz which was named after the one legendary King of Persia, Jamshed who started the Parsi Calendar. According to the Parsian mythology, they believe that the whole universe is recreated on this day and life with all its glory is cherished. The meaning of Navroz is spring and is it is believed that the Mother Nature casts her spell by dressing up like a young bride on this day so every Parsis celebrate this day with great jollity and mirth.

This year it is on 19, August on Thursday

Janmashtami Wallpapers, Krishna Janmashtami Wallpapers

The Gokulashtami festival and Krishna Janmashtami is celebrated on the birth of Lord Sri Krishna in Indian Hindu culture. It is observed on ashtami of Krishna Paksh or the 8th day of the dark night, We have all kinds of HQ wallpapers and regions picture for this great day when Lord Krishna step on to earth.

In This year Janamashtami is on - 2, September, 2010

Rakhi Wallpapers, Rakshabandhan Desktop Wallpapers

The 1-10 Wallpaper of Rakhi at 1024x768, 1280x1024 and 1280x800 resolution with Rakhi pictures,photos,pics & images. You can download all these lovely rakshabandhan wallpapers of sweets, rakhi thread, diyas, brother and sister.


There is a ZEN calendar next to my computer...todays quote is from the BUDDHA:

Like the moon,

Come out from behind the clouds!


Seeing Red

Canning? Not me....When I see all these red round tomatoes, I just want to make more beads. It's my daughter who does the canning. I love to see all the jars lined up in rows on my kitchen counter. There is a lot more than just the vegetables in those jars...there's a lot of effort and hard work packed in there.

Dinner From Pittsburgh's Strip District

Yesterday I finally left my house for a while. My sweet husband worries that I spend too much time at home, so he insisted that we take a drive into Pittsburgh for the day. One of our favorite places to visit there is the Strip District. The sights, sounds and smells are just wonderful and I always leave there feeling inspired. We arrived there at 8:45 in the a.m. and it was already alive with the hustle and bustle of the street vendors, musicians, and shoppers. I got so excited by the bongo drums and flute playing that I actually bought a wooden flute. Tell me what a woman of 52 is going to do with a red, wooden flute. I know I'll never learn to play it, but I just couldn't help myself, I had to buy it. Now every time I look at it, I will be reminded of what a fun day my husband and I had.

My husband Tom, who isn't interested in flutes at all, was there for the food. There was a farmers market going on which made this visit even more special. I saw so many interesting vegetables and fruits from the local farmers. There were such sweet smelling herbs and flowers and even honey. We purchased some fresh baked bread there to go with the lobsters we were planning to purchase from the fish market.

One of the vendors had some pond plants that I just had to have. They were labeled as "pond lettuce", but my husband calls them "sea cabbage" Whatever they are, they are a nice addition to my pond.

When we got home to our little corner of the world, Tom cooked the lobsters and we had an amazing dinner. A great ending to a perfect day. I think I'll play my flute????

Linen Pumpkin Winner

Hi was the drawing for the linen pumpkin giveaway. It has been so much fun to meet all of you who participated! Your blogs and websites are wonderful and I appreciate all the fabulous things that everyone has to share. I'm afraid my blog may not measure up to all of yours, but I think I will improve with time.

I'm happy to say that Patrizia is the winner for the month of August. Congratulations Patrizia!

I will be posting another giveaway for the month of September soon. I would like to do this each month if all goes well. Thanks again to everyone who was a part of this fun experience!!!

Inspired By Nature

It finally rained last night. I've been worried about the fish and plants in my pond lately. We've been pumping water from our well into the pond just to keep the fish alive. My pond is one of my favorite things. There are wild geese who have babies there every Spring. It's wonderful to watch the babies jump into the water for the first time. They're so tiny and clumsy at first. There is a pretty painted turtle who lives there as well as my beautiful big koi. The frogs seem to be loving the plants we've added this year. I see them next to the lily pads every day. My pond is the first place I go when I'm out walking. It's so full of life and beauty.

Bits and Scraps of Inspiration

You know how it've organized that studio a thousand times before, but each time is like a treasure hunt. Sorting through the boxes, baskets, drawers and bins, you find not only forgotten treasure, but inspiration as well.

A Mountain of Thread Therapy

Countless crochet stitches = a mountain of therapy. Hundreds of hours of meditation.

Welcome to Team Challenge

Just a quick update to discuss the progress of Team Challenge.

Last week I had a chance to meet some of the past and current participants of Team Challenge and I am PUMPED UP!

Who knew that a group of people with a mutual interest in Inflammatory Bowel Disease would be so FUN!?! I heard some great stories, got some good advice, and am thrilled to find people with the same passion for this cause as I have.

I walked away that night more inspired, more motivated, and more excited than ever! Vegas here WE come!!

Also, really excited for the t-shirts.

Romantic Creations

I am planning a new line of soft, romantic accessories. The first piece in this collection is a necklace crocheted with a soft, ivory cotton thread. The embellishments are bits of vintage, crocheted doilies, scraps of lace and ribbon, a tiny tassel, vintage and shell buttons, tiny glass beads and a large picture charm. So pretty. The charm has a picture of a little girl with a basket and the back says "I love playing at Grandmas".

Buttons Old and New

Button: a small knob secured to an article (as of clothing) and used as a fastener by passing it through a buttonhole or loop.

I love vintage buttons for embellishing my crochet pieces. I keep them in old vintage jars. I also love ceramic buttons for some of my projects. If you are interested in purchasing some fabulous, handmade, ceramic buttons go to She made the beautiful ceramic buttons that you see here.